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Most debts arise due to your clients burying their heads under the sand, It’s a proven fact that the majority of lucrative trading relationships in business are lost due to your clients becoming embarrassed. For some reason they are unable to approach you directly to resolve a situation by simply talking to you explaining the position they have found themselves in



We as a company when pursuing debts on behalf of our clients prefer the direct approach offering to negotiate terms before long drawn out litigation occurs.  There’s only one financial winner when litigation accurs and that’s the Solicitors and Courts.  


We prefer to use an approach whereby we offer help to your client, offering a strategy to negotiate on your behalf whereby a calm and strategic arrangment can satisfy both parties keeping your relationship intact. This enables you to have the best opportunity in order to:


i)    Recover the funds..

ii)   Control the situation.

iii)  Proceed on a CASH ONLY supply.

vi)  Avoid Solicitors and also Court costs with no guarantee of ever recouping your losses.


We have found that attention to these points can resolve a situation which would otherwise

be lost. We have also found that a strategy of open direct discussion can even lead to a more successful long lasting relationship with your client in the future.


There are obviously some Clients who go out of their way to defraud you or even insult your intelligence; Worldwide Confidential Services however have a department that deals with these matters when they occur. We can issue Court proceedings, writs, injunctions, stat demands etc at a much lower costs than instructing Solicitors. 




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